Saturday, May 18, 2013

Food: Cafe Blanc

Cafe Blanc a Lebanese themed restaurant that offer a pure taste of the Lebanese cuisine.. There are many Lebanese restaurants in Dubai but most of them are either overpriced or serve low quality food... it is very rare to find a restaurant that will offer you both a good quality meal and a reasonable price...
Cafe Blanc has many branches in Dubai my most two favorites are the one located in Dubai Mall and Dubai Marina Mall... as they are located far away from the fuss and distraction of the people where can really enjoy your meal in peace and quiet... My review today is regarding the one located in Dubai Marina Mall


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For our appetizer we had Homus, Taboola, Fatoosh and Vine leaves... Truely its a pure captivation of all you senses... the tiny dinasour living inside my stomach was very happy and satisfied... I would really like to write a lot to discribe the taste of each appetizer but I cant... because the taste is indiscribable... the only way anyone will understand me is to try it personally... the best thing was the Vine Leaves it is very very rare to find anyone that can serve it in such a taste...

Main Course


Beside the very delicious appetizer my friend and I ordered two separate main dishes.. Yah well we don’t believe in sharing food... GREAT MINDS THINK ALIKE... For me I ordered the Meat Shwarma which was very delicious especially when you dip it in the side Taheenya... it was spetacular... the true taste of a Shwarma... and the bread served along with it made my dish 10/10... The bread is freshly made and served HOT... so my dish got a 10/10...
But my friend ordered the Meat Tikka... It wasn’t as good as the shwarma but it was eatable... My friend and I won’t give it more than 7/10... I believe it needed more spices because it was poorly spiced other than that it was cooked perfectly... not too dry nor too juicy

Total Bill for 3 appetizers a bottle of large water and two main dishes is 249AED EXQUISITE


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