Thursday, May 30, 2013

Art: Gulf Photo Plus Exhibition

Name of Exhibit:
Al Serkal Avenue
Name of Gallery:
Gulf Photo Plus
Contents of Exhibit (in your own words):
A collection of photos by various photographers. The Exhibit encourages the photography work of regional and abroad photographers. The gallery exhibited high quality and limited edition photographs yet affordable
Artist(s) Showcased:
Various photos ranging from buildings, nature, portraits and a mixture of all.
Date of visit:
May 29, 2013


Overall impression of the photographs
Personally, I enjoyed my visit to Gulf Photo Plus as it was not limited to one main theme. The exhibit included various photos by many different photographers. In each of the photos there is something special to be viewed. Some of the photos were normal but many were exquisite and breathtaking. I can still recall one of the images from the gallery which was so peaceful, colorful, professional and above all meaningful.
I think what made me prefer Gulf Photo Plus is the range of photo’s available from colored images to black and white photos. The various images by different photographers allowed me to be inspired every time I look into a photo. Some of the photographers showcased phenomenal images, as if the images were out of this world, the beauty of the photos are undescribale. Other photos made me associate with my inner feeling, and immediately connected with some of the images and the photographer.


Description the aesthetic nature of the photographs in the exhibition
The beauty of the pictures I saw and favored impacted me because of the way they were taken. None of the pictures were staged they were all spontaneous and that gave the true impression about the scene. Not only that but the quality, colors and the way each photo is introduced to the viewer is what gives each photo its aesthetic appeal of glamorous and phenomenal overlook. Although the photo’s reflected moments from reality the photos were so beautiful as if they were painted by an artist.
The aesthetic nature of the photos can’t be described as there were many photos each single photo is by a different photographer. Every photographer had his\her own techniques. Yet it is possible to say that each photographer showed their personal techniques excellently in one photo. Some of the images had depth of field, other contained obvious manipulation whilst some showcased focus on details. At the end every photo had some kind of unique beauty that represents its photographer.
One of my most favorite photos was Fakur Al- Salam… the colors of the images, the beautiful nature, the peacefulness of the place, the depth of field, the focus of details all aspects were in one image. One way to describe the image is “unlimited beauty”
What affected/moved me the most about the photographs
What I was really moved by was how the Photo’s made me feel. They reflected the reality far away from my eyes and it made me feel the sadness of the people in the photo, the joy of the people. Even the photos of the buildings, I felt there beauty, there significant existence and their spectacular structure.
Moreover, I was very affected by how one gallery showcasing various images by many different photographers using many similar and dissimilar photo techniques can be so overwhelming. When you walk around the gallery you tend to be confused at first since there are so many images hanged on the wall. But for a gallery such Gulf Photo Plus you need not to rush during your visit. Look at each picture and admire it. Then look at the picture next to it and feel the difference of the techniques. Then look at the image behind you and explore how each photographer has a different point of view of what is beauty and what appeals to them as a reflection of a reality. You will be amazed by how photographers view this world and how they deliver the meaning of beauty in their photos

Write at least THREE things you learned about photography through this exhibition.
1.      Photo’s that are spontaneous give a true reflection of reality. It makes the viewer feel something just by looking. They say a photo speaks a thousand words and those photos’ had no description yet just by viewing the photo you can understand the whole situation and get that feeling of connection to the image.
2.      The quality of the photos is as important as the meaning and the content of the photo itself. The better and more enhanced the quality the more the viewer’s enjoy glazing at the photo. Therefore, to enhance the quality of the image the aesthetic nature of the photos should include not one but more of aspects that create an excellent photo. From depth of field to colors and lightning to the subject of the photo being clearly modified.
3.  The variation of photos hanged all in one gallery allows us as visitors to be bedazzled by the beauty of variation. I personally, enjoyed viewing the different themes and the type of photos with each representing its photographer way of showcasing an image that contain all the meaning of beauty in addition to his\her personal techniques
Images from the exhibition




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