Sunday, May 19, 2013

Food: Why fruits

During my research for a Healthy living project for one of my courses I came across astonishing information... This is a post that I wrote as a contribution to the Healthy living blog that My team and I have created to promote Healthy Living ... I will be posting all contributions to that blog to this blog 

When God give you the most precious gift in life when through it away!!... Many people are not realizing the benefits around them... The fruits and vegetables... They head to medical clinics, spa's, and doctors... not realizing that all they need is what is in their kitchen to be adjusted.. 

During our research for the Healthy Living project I came across many beneficial information if you are wondering why fruits and not a McDonald's burger read below
Why fruits?
Fruits are nature’s wonderful medicines packed with vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants and many phyto-nutrients (Plant derived micro nutrients) . They are an absolute feast to our sight, not just because of their color and flavor but their unique nutrition-profile that help the body stay fit and healthy!
  1. Fruits are low in calories and fat and are a source of simple sugars, fiber, and vitamins, which are essential for optimizing our health.
  2. Fruits provide plenty of soluble dietary fiber, which helps to ward of cholesterol and fats from the body and to get relief from constipation as well.
Grabbed your attention ???

well guess what each fruit has many health benefits... 
Here is an impressive list of fruits with complete illustrations of their
health benefits and nutrition facts.... all you have to do is look for your most favorite fruit click on its name and be directed to a "nutrition and you" site and there start reading and get the knowledge you need

acai berry Acai berry   apple  Apple   apricot Apricot
avocado Avocado   banana  Banana  blackberriesBlackberries
black currants Black currants blueberries Blueberries  cantaloupe Cantaloupe
 cherimoya Cherimoya  cherry fruit Cherry  chokeberry Chokeberry
   cranberryCranberries dates Dates   durian  Durian fruit
   fig fruit  Figs gooseberries Gooseberries   grapes  Grapes
 grapefruit Grapefruit guava  Guava   jackfruit  Jackfruit
  kiwifruit  Kiwi fruit  kumquat-fruit Kumquat   lemon  Lemon
 loquat  Loquat fruit  lychee Lychee mango Mango fruit
 mangosteen Mangosteen  mulberries  Mulberries olives Olives
  naval orange  Orange   papaya Papayapassion fruit- granadilla Passion fruit
 peach Peaches     pears  Pears   persimmon  Persimmon fruit
    pineapple Pineapple    plum Plums  pomegranatePomegranate
 quince fruit Quince fruit raspberries  Raspberrysapodilla Sapodilla(Sapote)
star fruit Star fruit  strawberries Strawberry  mandarin-orangeTangerine
   watermelon  Watermelon

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